Humans, distinguished by their intricate communication, collaboration, and intelligence, have long debated their relationship with nature. While some argue that humanity’s presence threatens the natural world, others believe that we can coexist harmoniously with enlightenment. This shift in perspective, akin to a child’s realization of a world beyond themselves, signifies our growing recognition of the intrinsic value of all life forms.
Establishing protected parks and reserves underscores our acknowledgment of nature’s significance in our evolutionary journey. Shows like “Planet Earth II” illustrate the symbiotic relationship between urban landscapes and the natural world.

Historically, humans either exploited or distanced themselves from nature. However, since the 1990s, there’s been a surge in eco-friendly urban planning and architecture. Integrating nature into urban spaces purifies the air and rejuvenates our spirits. The restoration of Manhattan’s shores and the development of oyster reefs, as highlighted by the “99% Invisible” podcast, exemplify nature’s role in urban progress. Even in wildlife conservation, our interventions, like assisting pandas with reproduction, demonstrate our commitment to preserving nature. As we advance technologically, the choice remains to forge a world where wildlife thrives alongside us. The natural world is poised for this partnership, but the question remains – are we?